Courses and events

We provide a range of learning and development opportunities for managers and leaders working across Welsh public services.
We've grouped our leadership and development programmes by level to help you find a programme that best suits you. You can check upcoming dates and availability by searching our events calendar:
Learning programmes that we offer
For those in the early stages of their leadership career, or new to the topic, or new to the public service (typically with 0 to 5 years’ leadership experience).
All Wales Continuous Improvement Community
Continuous improvement practitioners, working in Welsh public services, with a wide knowledge base of continuous improvement techniques.
If you're interested in finding a coach to help your own personal or professional development, you can sign up to this website and search our list of coaches.
Introducing continuous improvement
Do you want to improve your services? Have you heard about continuous improvement, Lean, Six Sigma or Systems Thinking but you’re not sure what’s involved? Would you like to find out more? Then this workshop is for you.
Leadership in a nutshell
Ideal if you’re preparing for, or are in, your first leadership and management role
Designed to let women give more and get more out of their work. Open to all women aspiring to management or in their first management role.
Professionals with leadership responsibilities, and are approaching senior leadership (typically with 5 or more years’ leadership experience).
All Wales Coaching Network
We are committed to supporting a coaching culture that spans organisations working across the Welsh public service. We’ve created this network to pool resources and provide the opportunity for free cross-sector coaching and to support coaches.
All Wales Continuous Improvement Community
Continuous improvement practitioners, working in Welsh public services, with a wide knowledge base of continuous improvement techniques.
Applied Positive Psychology
This session explores how we can create a happier and more successful workplace.
Aspiring Board Members Programme
The Aspiring Board Members Programme is a 12-month leadership development programme designed to support and prepare people from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds for Independent Board Member (also called Non-Executive Director) Roles within health bodies in Wales.
If you're interested in finding a coach to help your own personal or professional development, you can sign up to this website and search our list of coaches.
Leadership on Ice
Drawing on the amazing and true story of the ‘Endurance’ Expedition, this informative, interactive and inspirational online workshop will highlight the critical importance of ‘True North’ leadership when responding to the challenges, and particularly maximising the opportunities, that emerge in times of adversity, uncertainty and change.
Lead with purpose, authenticity and adaptability - grow your resilience!
Leading with clarity and confidence in changing times will be enhanced when you have a clearly defined purpose that is aligned and sustained with leadership that is both authentic and adaptable.
Master class series
Our inspiring and challenging master classes are delivered by outstanding thinkers in their chosen fields. Thought leaders drawn from the international, national and local stage will provide unique proactive, game-changing and innovative ideas to enable public service leaders to pull from the future to deliver the now.
One Welsh Public Service Coaching Conference
The importance of coaching is hugely significant when supporting others to achieve clearer thinking, decision making and future planning. The programme has been designed to support those who have a formal or informal coaching role within their organisations.
One Welsh Public Service Leadership Summer School
Summer School is an intensive residential learning experience bringing together leaders and senior managers to address key issues on a specific leadership topic.
Senior Leadership Experience
If you are a dynamic and courageous senior leader, determined to have a wider impact by leading and driving change within a culture of trust and compassion, then this Experience is for you.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People programme is a transformational and highly enjoyable learning experience that will help you be the best that you can be.
Senior / top-tier leaders and executives, such as Chief Executives and Directors.
All Wales Coaching Network
We are committed to supporting a coaching culture that spans organisations working across the Welsh public service. We’ve created this network to pool resources and provide the opportunity for free cross-sector coaching and to support coaches.
All Wales Continuous Improvement Community
Continuous improvement practitioners, working in Welsh public services, with a wide knowledge base of continuous improvement techniques.
Aspiring Board Members Programme
The Aspiring Board Members Programme is a 12-month leadership development programme designed to support and prepare people from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds for Independent Board Member (also called Non-Executive Director) Roles within health bodies in Wales.
If you're interested in finding a coach to help your own personal or professional development, you can sign up to this website and search our list of coaches.
Master class series
Our inspiring and challenging master classes are delivered by outstanding thinkers in their chosen fields. Thought leaders drawn from the international, national and local stage will provide unique proactive, game-changing and innovative ideas to enable public service leaders to pull from the future to deliver the now.
One Welsh Public Service Coaching Conference
The importance of coaching is hugely significant when supporting others to achieve clearer thinking, decision making and future planning. The programme has been designed to support those who have a formal or informal coaching role within their organisations.
One Welsh Public Service Leaders’ Winter School
Winter School provides public service leaders with new, innovative approaches and the space for them to solve complex real-world challenges; Residential.
Senior Leadership Experience
If you are a dynamic and courageous senior leader, determined to have a wider impact by leading and driving change within a culture of trust and compassion, then this Experience is for you.
Updates and alerts
If the programme you're interested in doesn’t currently have any dates scheduled, don’t worry! For updates and alerts subscribe to our mailing list. When more dates become available we’ll let you know. In the meantime, please feel free to browse our Learning resources and Networks.
If you have any queries about any of these programmes, please contact us.
Other learning programmes
Customised support and facilitation
We welcome the opportunity to provide customised support for public services and registered charities in Wales.
Public service learning organisations
These organisations offer a range of learning programmes.