Lead with purpose, authenticity and adaptability - grow your resilience!

Open to public and third sector staff in Wales - approaching senior leadership
3 hours
Leading with clarity and confidence in changing times will be enhanced when you have a clearly defined purpose that is aligned and sustained with leadership that is both authentic and adaptable.
This interactive workshop will explore and affirm the principles of purpose-driven leadership, where authentic leadership is not only striving to live your values with consistency and being ‘true to self’, but also evolving and adapting in the present as well as towards the future. You will also discover how leading with purpose, authenticity and adaptability will enhance your personal resilience in times of challenge and ever-increasing change.
You will:
- be introduced to principles and tools to identify and affirm your purpose
- explore what it means to be authentic in your leadership style
- understand the need to be adaptable and pursue plans and principles with consideration, flexibility and understanding
- examine and apply core strategies that will develop your personal resilience.
One Welsh Public Service
As One Welsh Public Service, we have a shared purpose and shared drivers to achieve a better and lasting quality of life for us all.
Find out more about our campaign here
Leadership behaviours
This learning programme will help you to develop your leadership behaviours in the following areas:

Learning and self-awareness

Drive and resilience

Building collaboration and partnership

Political awareness and skill

Sharing leadership
Target audience
Open to public and third sector staff in Wales.
- Approaching senior leadership - professionals with leadership responsibilities, and are approaching senior leadership (typically with 5 or more years’ leadership experience)
There is no delegate charge.
How to apply
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