All Wales Public Service Leadership Summer School 2020
22 to 26 June 2020, Residential
University of Wales, Lampeter
Apply by:
Route 1: 16 March 2020
Route 2: 6 April 2020
Read: How to apply
£500 + VAT
Summer School applications are closed.
In light of recent developments associated with COVID-19, our lives and the way we work has changed dramatically over the past two weeks.
We have postponed this year’s event until next year, where it is our intention to stage Summer School 2021 utilising this year’s theme 'Leading for All – Creating Cultures and Climates', building on the existing programme of keynote speakers where appropriate.
We will keep your applications and contact details; for those who applied via your organisational contact you will need to liaise with them to seek clarity on the process for attending next year’s event. For those who applied directly we will contact you in the early part of next year.
We’ll make any announcements on our website, Twitter and our mailing list. Make sure to follow, like and subscribe to get all the latest news!
Click here to see our Summer School 2020 Brochure
Summer School is an intensive, five-day residential learning experience bringing together leaders and managers to address key issues on a specific leadership topic.
The week of learning will focus on 'Leading for All – Creating Cultures and Climates'.
Benefits to you
Summer School is designed as a ‘stretch’ programme which will give you the opportunity to review and refresh your skills, build new knowledge and gain insight into cutting edge leadership practice. You will get the chance to explore innovative ways to ‘deliver the business’, drawing on a wealth of global knowledge and experience.
'It is such a great experience to be surrounded by so many people from different backgrounds all wanting to improve themselves to be better – there was a real feeling of one public services for Wales!'
Delegate 2019, South Wales Police
At the start of the summer school journey it’s impossible to imagine that such a profound growth in personal and group power could be achieved in four days. Thank you so much for the opportunity to participate and challenge myself in so many rewarding ways.'
Delegate 2019, NHS Wales Informatics Service
'Summer School has literally been life changing for me, in terms of my personal approach to my career, but also in my personal life. It’s a fantastic opportunity and I highly recommend this to anyone who wants to be the best they can be. Thank you Academi Wales for this experience, you organised this to perfection!'
Delegate 2019, Welsh Government
Speakers for 2020 will include:
Julie James AM
Thimon de Jong
founder WHETSTON
Gemma Morgan
Keynote Speaker, Consultant and Coach
Jonathan Stebbings
Senior Programme Director, Olivier Mythodrama
Matthew Taylor CBE
Chief Executive of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce
Find out more about them in the Summer School 2020 speakers section.
Leadership behaviours
This learning programme will help you to develop your leadership behaviours in the following areas:

Learning and self-awareness

Drive and resilience

Focusing on citizens and quality

Championing innovation and change

Building collaboration and partnership

Political awareness and skill

Sharing leadership

Strategic orientation
Target audience
Summer School is aimed at senior managers and leaders from across the public and third sector in Wales, who influence and shape the delivery of our services, and who are engaged in leading change.
University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, Lampeter, Ceredigion SA48 7ED
Details of how to get to Lampeter are available from the University's website (external link).
There is a cost for Summer School of £500 which covers a contribution to learning costs for the event. The cost of accommodation and food for the week is covered but delegates' travel costs will not be met by the programme.
Please note that should you be awarded a place at Summer School and then withdraw from the programme, your organisation may be required to pay the full cost.
How to apply
Before you begin your application, please check whether your organisation is included on our Summer School organisational contacts list. If it is, you must contact the address listed first, so that your contact can decide whether you can apply for a place.
Demonstrating return on investment has never been more important than in today’s climate.
Return on investment is not simply about financial gain. It's the sustainable impact of the learning for both you and your organisation and how this links to services provided for the people of Wales. It is particularly relevant for those who are working through challenging times and seeking to make significant improvements to their organisational outcomes.
There are two ways to apply for a place:
- Route 1: Nominated applications if your organisation is on our organisational contacts list, you must use this route (or your application will not be processed)
- Route 2: Independent applications if your organisation is not on our contact list, you can use this route (with senior level authorisation)
Route 1: Nominated applications - 16 March 2020
If your organisation is on our organisational contacts list, you must use this route (or your application will not be processed).
If you work in an organisation that is on the list above, you must approach the named person to find out how to apply through your internal process. You will then need to complete our online application form by 16 March 2020.
Please note: we cannot accept direct applications from employees of these organisations (unless we have approval from the organisational contact).
Once your organisation has confirmed your nomination, you can complete our online application form.
Route 2: Independent applications - 6 April 2020
If your organisation is not on our organisational contacts list, you can use this route (with senior level authorisation).
If you work in an organisation that is not on the list above, you can complete our online application form independently (you must have authorisation from your chief executive or senior leader) by 6 April 2020.
Application form
Summer School applications are closed.
More information
To find more about Summer School, please see our detailed information.
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