One Welsh Public Service Leadership Summer School 2022
Senior managers and leaders from across the public and third sector in Wales
28 to 30 June 2022
Delegate charge £250.00 + VAT
Applications are now closed.
'Creative Futures - priorities, practice and possibilities maintaining momentum in times of change, making the most of people and places'
Celebrating its 17th year, we are delighted to announce that this year we will be hosting a live virtual Summer School event. This intensive, three-day online learning experience will bring together leaders and senior managers to address key issues on a specific leadership topic.
One Welsh Public Service
As One Welsh Public Service, we have a shared purpose and shared drivers to achieve a better and lasting quality of life for us all.
Find out more about our campaign here
We welcome the opportunity to continue to support our colleagues from across the Welsh public and third sector. The three- day interactive Summer School programme is both inspirational and insightful! You’ll discover new perspectives and ideas that will enhance your skills and knowledge to take on the challenges your organisations face right now.
Summer School 2022 runs from Tuesday 28 – Thursday 30 June.
COVID-19 has transformed the way we work, accelerating trends that were already in play and calling into question many things we took for granted before the pandemic. How Welsh public sector organisations balance sustainability with supporting employee needs is key as we create a new post-pandemic normal. This will see organisations increasing their focus on diversity, equity and inclusion, as well as environmental and social issues.
The impact of the pandemic has presented both challenges and opportunities. The most significant challenge has been to adapt and develop a range of new skills to meet the needs of our new working environments, and to do this often at pace. We now have an opportunity to move away from that approach to develop a measured and more strategic approach to development. Our increased use of technology and software and new approaches to how we manage and support our teams has highlighted the need for many of us to re develop and build a range of new and emerging skills. These include self-management such as active learning, resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility and digital capability.
The Summer School experience will provide you with the opportunity to attend a range of interactive activities delivered by Academics, Authors and providers who can provide insight and knowledge to support you as we emerge into the new post pandemic world of work.
Benefits to you
The One Welsh Public Service Leadership Summer School is designed to give you the opportunity to review and refresh your skills, build new knowledge and gain insights into your leadership practice. It provides the opportunity to explore innovative ways to ‘deliver the business’, drawing on a wealth of global knowledge and experience.
Thoughts from delegates of Summer School 2021 were:
“I came to this training at a crossroads in my career, these last three days has re-ignited some of that passion I had lost for my role, for that I will be eternally grateful.”
NHS Wales delegate
“Absolutely amazing, I feel energised and refreshed and keen to improve and make a difference.”
Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB delegate
“I didn’t really think of myself as a leader but summer school showed me that there are many different forms of leadership and how we can all build on our strengths to effect change.”
NHS Wales delegate
“I feel privileged to have the opportunity to come to Academi Wales Summer School 2021. I have been absolutely blown away by some of the speakers and have the responsibility to give back to my organisation by enhancing my leadership and nurturing future leaders to strive to reach their potential.”
Carmarthenshire CBC delegate
Chairs and speakers
We have developed a full and varied exciting three-day programme for you. The programme will feature a number of UK based and international speakers who are academics or experts in their chosen field. The programme for 2022 includes:
Alexandra Walters
Director, Academi Wales
Paul Matthews
Chief Executive, Monmouthshire County Council
Fi Macmillan
Founder, Wild Leadership
Emmanuel Gobillot
John Amaechi OBE
Founder of APS Intelligence
Rebecca Evans MS
Minister for Finance and Local Government, Senedd
Dr Andrew Goodall
Permanent Secretary, Welsh Government
Dawn Docx MBA, BA Hons
Chief Fire Officer, North Wales Fire and Rescue Service
Nick Obolensky
Agile+ Leadership International Ltd (UK)
Lt Col Andy Child
Wales Universities Officers’ Training Corps
Dorothy Brown
Chief Operating Officer, British Red Cross
Shereen Williams MBE OStJ DL
Chief Executive Officer, Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales
Linda Aspey
Aspey Associates
Owen Evans CBE
HM Chief Inspector, Estyn
Leadership behaviours
This learning programme will help you to develop your leadership behaviours in the following areas:

Learning and self-awareness

Drive and resilience

Focusing on citizens and quality

Championing innovation and change

Building collaboration and partnership

Political awareness and skill

Sharing leadership

Strategic orientation
Target audience
This event is aimed at senior level managers and leaders working in the public, third or voluntary sector in Wales. To benefit most from attending Summer School, it is important you are at the right level in your career journey. Summer School is suitable for those leading a team, branch or department in their organisation, with a responsibility for creating an effective working environment for their staff, and for identifying and facilitating any changes needed to deliver their organisation’s objectives.
Please note the Summer School places are limited as the demand for places each year exceeds our capacity.
There is a nominal delegate charge of £250 + vat for Summer School which covers a contribution to the learning costs for the event.
Close date for applications is Thursday 26 May 2022.
Please note that should you be awarded a place at Summer School and then withdraw from the programme, your organisation may be required to pay an administration charge.
How to apply
There are limited places available for this event which will be offered through a competitive selection process and places will be awarded to those applicants who provide strong objectives for participating in the Summer School and can evidence their return on investment.
Demonstrating return on investment has never been more important than in today’s climate. Return on investment is not simply about financial gain. It's the sustainable impact of the learning for both you and your organisation and how this links to services provided for the people of Wales. It is particularly relevant for those who are working through challenging times and seeking to make significant improvements to their organisational outcomes.
Application process
Before you begin your application, please check whether your organisation is included on our Summer School organisational contacts list. If it is, please contact them to make them aware that you are applying for Summer School.
The open recruitment process for Summer School 2022 starts 11 April 2022 and closes for applications on 26 May 2022.
We will notify you whether you have been awarded a place by week commencing 6 June 2022.
Applications are now closed.
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To find more details, please see our detailed information.
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