One Welsh Public Service Leadership Summer School 2021
Senior managers and leaders from across the public and third sector in Wales
22 to 24 June 2021
Early bird rate £199.00 + VAT - 23 April
Standard rate £250.00 + VAT - 7 May
Bursary rate – up to 100%
Celebrating its 16th year, we are delighted to announce that this year we will be hosting a live virtual Summer School event. This intensive, three-day online learning experience will bring together leaders and senior managers to address key issues on a specific leadership topic.
One Welsh Public Service
As One Welsh Public Service, we have a shared purpose and shared drivers to achieve a better and lasting quality of life for us all.
Find out more about our campaign here
We welcome the opportunity to continue to support our colleagues from across the Welsh public and third sector. The 3 day interactive Summer School programme is both inspirational and insightful! You’ll discover new perspectives and ideas that will enhance your skills and knowledge to take on the challenges your organisations face right now.
Summer School 2021 runs from Tuesday 22 June until Thursday 24 June.
‘Recover, Renew, Regenerate - A path towards the emergent future’
As we emerge from the challenges of the past 12 months it is recognised that the changed and changing world will require a new leadership paradigm.
A new approach that values life, a new leadership logic where organisations flourish, ecosystems thrive and people feel alive. Regenerative Leadership provides a holistic and systemic framework for building prosperous and regenerative organisations. It explores a new way of leading and redesigning organisations and communities; a mind-set of collaboration, co-creativity and contribution. Regenerative Leaders bring vitality and wellbeing to all our living systems and in-so-doing, enrich themselves, their organisations, and the wider stakeholder ecosystem.
Benefits to you
The One Welsh Public Service Leadership Summer School is designed to give you the opportunity to review and refresh your skills, build new knowledge and gain insights into your leadership practice. It provides the opportunity to explore innovative ways to ‘deliver the business’, drawing on a wealth of global knowledge and experience.
"Thank you for an excellent week of learning - a great first virtual Summer School. The key note speakers were very inspiring. Excellent effort in pulling it all together at such short notice. Da iawn a diolch yn fawr!"
"I am thoroughly enjoying the 2020 Summer School and I intend viewing previous different sessions delivered at previous events. This has proved to be an excellent learning resource which I will also share with my team and other colleagues, as well as promoting it to friends who work in other public service sectors."
Hywel Dda UHB
"Many thanks to everyone involved in organising and delivering the 2020 Summer School - it was fantastic. I knew it would be after a colleague from a different department recommended it after attending the 2018 Summer School."
Hywel Dda UHB
Chairs and speakers
We have developed a full and varied exciting 3-day programme for you. The programme will include a number of UK based and international speakers who are academics or experts in their chosen field. The programme for 2021 includes:
Paul Schanzer
Academi Wales
Laura Storm
Jenny Williams
Byron Lee
Added Value Learning
Shan Morgan
Welsh Government
Baroness Tanni Grey-Thompson DBE
Shereen Williams
Local Democracy and Boundary Commission for Wales
Thimon de Jong
Amy Brann
Synaptic Potential
Andy Lopata
Professor Richard Bolden
University of the West of England
Rebecca Evans MS
Welsh Government
Gemma Morgan
Jeremy Vaughan
South Wales Police
Professor Uzo Iwobi OBE
Specialist Adviser on Equalities to Welsh Government
Matthew Taylor CBE
Professor Ilona Boniwell
Emmanuel Gobillot
Leadership behaviours
This learning programme will help you to develop your leadership behaviours in the following areas:

Learning and self-awareness

Drive and resilience

Focusing on citizens and quality

Championing innovation and change

Building collaboration and partnership

Political awareness and skill

Sharing leadership

Strategic orientation
Target audience
This event is aimed at colleagues working in the public and third sector in Wales. To benefit most from attending Summer School you will be working in a senior manager or leadership role that influences and shapes the delivery of services, and will be engaged in leading change.
Applications are welcome from individuals working in non-devolved government organisations based in Wales. However, the demand for places each year exceeds our expectation, Summer School places are limited, and priority is given to applications from individuals working in devolved government organisations and third / voluntary sectors in Wales.
There is a delegate charge for Summer School which covers a contribution to the learning costs for the event. Two rates will apply:
- Early bird rate of £199.00 + VAT – to be eligible for this rate you must submit your completed application by Friday 23 April 2021
- Standard rate is £250.00 + VAT – applications to be submitted by Friday 7 May 2021.
Please note that should you be awarded a place at Summer School and then withdraw from the programme, your organisation may be required to pay an administration charge.
For the first time we are offering a limited number of bursaries. The Summer School bursary offers up to 100% towards programme costs.
Applications will be considered from underrepresented, minoritised and disadvantaged groups where employing organisations have limited funds, especially in the third and voluntary sectors.
If successful the bursary place will be included in your organisation's allocation of places. Your organisation will not be given an additional place.
How to apply
There are limited places available for this event which will be offered through a competitive selection process.
Demonstrating return on investment has never been more important than in today’s climate. Return on investment is not simply about financial gain. It's the sustainable impact of the learning for both you and your organisation and how this links to services provided for the people of Wales. It is particularly relevant for those who are working through challenging times and seeking to make significant improvements to their organisational outcomes.
Step 1
Before you begin your application, please check whether your organisation is included in our Summer School organisational contacts list. If it is, you must contact the address listed. Organisations have been allocated a limited number of places and your organisational contact will be responsible for selecting those who can apply.
Step 2
Applications are now closed.
- Early bird rate applications close - 23 April 2021
- Standard rate applications close – 7 May 2021
Step 3
We will notify you whether you have been awarded a place by Friday 28 May 2021.
More information
To find more details, please see our detailed information.
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Summer School
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