Applied Positive Psychology

Open to public and third sector staff in Wales - Approaching senior leadership
2 hours
This session explores the application of positive psychology at work. In the practical and interactive session you will learn to use the evidence-based tools of positive psychology in the workplace.
The idea that success flows from happiness is one of the core principles of positive psychology, this session explores how we can create a happier and more successful workplace.
One Welsh Public Service
As One Welsh Public Service, we have a shared purpose and shared drivers to achieve a better and lasting quality of life for us all.
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You will discover:
- the one, free, daily activity that can increase productivity by up to 35 per cent while at the same time reducing stress and increasing happiness
- how increasing the ratio of positive comments at work increases productivity
- why a ‘Growth Mindset’ enables us to give effective feedback that inspires people to achieve their potential
- that we can design jobs so that people experience more ‘Flow’
You will be able to:
- apply the principles of positive psychology at work
- increase your own and others happiness, satisfaction and success at work through practical daily activities
- develop a better positive comment ratio at work
- give more effective feedback that creates the Growth Mindset
- design jobs and tasks to increase the experience of Flow
- create new and lasting positive behaviours for yourself and others
Leadership behaviours
This learning programme will help you to develop your leadership behaviours in the following areas:

Learning and self-awareness

Drive and resilience

Building collaboration and partnership

Political awareness and skill

Sharing leadership
Target audience
Open to public and third sector staff in Wales:
- Approaching senior leadership - professionals with leadership responsibilities, and are approaching senior leadership (typically with 5 or more years’ leadership experience)
There is no delegate charge.
How to apply
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Main image courtesy of Debbie Olivari (Whitchurch Camera Club)